recent Events
Connect to photos and text highlighting recent HOBI events.
Al McCoy
House of Broadcasting recognizes the passing of legendary Arizona broadcaster, Al McCoy. Al was a great supporter of the House of Broadcasting over the years.
"When we had our Museum he was speaker per KRUX Days. Then we also held a book signing for him and afterward he gave us the remaining books which Lynda now puts together with Suns raffle item. We also devoted part of our Museum to his many sports clippings.
Of course he was our 2nd Honoree in 1999 when we were doing our Celebrity Roasts.
Then in 2015 and 2019 he played the piano in his unforgettable style at our Holiday Event. He attended every one of our Concerts and I remembered to remind him when 2023 was coming. He said he’d speak to someone to bring him.
He’s been with HOBI all the way." - Mary Morrison, President
"When we had our Museum he was speaker per KRUX Days. Then we also held a book signing for him and afterward he gave us the remaining books which Lynda now puts together with Suns raffle item. We also devoted part of our Museum to his many sports clippings.
Of course he was our 2nd Honoree in 1999 when we were doing our Celebrity Roasts.
Then in 2015 and 2019 he played the piano in his unforgettable style at our Holiday Event. He attended every one of our Concerts and I remembered to remind him when 2023 was coming. He said he’d speak to someone to bring him.
He’s been with HOBI all the way." - Mary Morrison, President
11th Annual "Mike Chamberlin and the Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert"
Thiis year's concert was held at a new location, North Phoenix Baptist Church. Unfortunately, due to illness, Pat McMahon was not able to emcee with Jan D'Atri, but Rita Davenport graciously stepped in and perfectly complimented Jan as emcee. Cory McCloskey of Fox10 TV broadcast two live cut-ins from the concert, where he also recognized all of the Living Legends of Broadcasting in attendance. Maurie Helle offerred a tribute to Al McCoy, who's family attended and was recognized.
Here is a selection of photos taken at this year's concert. All photos were provided by Marlene Klotz Collins. Many thanks to her for these images. A reminder: KAZT, Channel 7 will broadcast the concert on Christmas morning at 9 a.m.
HOBI recently received a thank you letter from Dr. Battino L. Batts, JR., Dean and Professor at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He wrote: “Thank you for your support of Cronkite students through the House of Broadcasting Television and Radio Museum Scholarship. Your commitment to empower future journalists, professional communicators and media leaders makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our students today and will continue to leave an impact on their educational and professional journey for years to come. We truly appreciate your generosity. “
We also received thank you letters from the latest recipients, two young women, Kiera and Leilani. Kiera is pursuing her degree in Communication Media. Kiera wrote: “I am deeply grateful to express my heartfelt thanks for being selected as the recipient of the House of Broadcasting, Inc. Endowment Scholarship. Your generous support has not only lightened my financial burden but has also provided me with the reassurance and motivation I need to pursue my passion for communication media.”
Leilani is majoring in Sports Broadcasting and will be a sophomore next school year. Leilani wrote: “This scholarship helps pay toward student loans and I can now afford to buy some camera equipment. Again, thank you so much for granting me this scholarship. It truly means the world to me!”
We also received thank you letters from the latest recipients, two young women, Kiera and Leilani. Kiera is pursuing her degree in Communication Media. Kiera wrote: “I am deeply grateful to express my heartfelt thanks for being selected as the recipient of the House of Broadcasting, Inc. Endowment Scholarship. Your generous support has not only lightened my financial burden but has also provided me with the reassurance and motivation I need to pursue my passion for communication media.”
Leilani is majoring in Sports Broadcasting and will be a sophomore next school year. Leilani wrote: “This scholarship helps pay toward student loans and I can now afford to buy some camera equipment. Again, thank you so much for granting me this scholarship. It truly means the world to me!”
2024 Cronkite Scholarship Celebration Lunch
On Friday, April 19, 2024, HOBI Board memnbers Lynda Gallgher, Dr. John Craft, Thomas MIhalchick, and Mary Morrison attended the 2024 Cfonkite Scholarship Celebration Award Brunch at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication on downtoen Phoenix.
Dr. John Craft presents ....
On Tuesday, April 2nd, Dr. John Craft, HOBI Board member, spoke at the HD South Museum in Gilbert, Craft spoke about the history of newspapers, both on a national basis and locally.
Dr, Craft related that his father had a long career as a typesetter for the local newspaper in Ohio. He spoke about his lifelong love of newspapers as a source of information, touched on the future of newspapers as we know them, and took questions from the audience.
Dr. Craft was asked to present on behalf of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. He recently retired from the faculty of Cronkite. Dr, Craft spent more than 50 years teaching journalism and broadcasting, In 2022 he was awarded the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences Presidential Award, earning him an Emmy.
Dr, Craft related that his father had a long career as a typesetter for the local newspaper in Ohio. He spoke about his lifelong love of newspapers as a source of information, touched on the future of newspapers as we know them, and took questions from the audience.
Dr. Craft was asked to present on behalf of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. He recently retired from the faculty of Cronkite. Dr, Craft spent more than 50 years teaching journalism and broadcasting, In 2022 he was awarded the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences Presidential Award, earning him an Emmy.
Sr. John Craft
Arizona Media Association Future and Awards Luncheon
HOBI Board members attended the Arizona Media Association Future and Awards Luncheon, January 26, 2024, at the Camelback Inn. This year's inductees into the Hall of Fame included:
- Terri Ouelette (Good Morning Arizona at Azfamily 3TV CBS 5 in the 1990s, Home with Terri O., since 2012, co-host Sonoran Living on Phoenix’s ABC15 Arizona.,
- Al Macias (worked in the local journalism industry for nearly 50 years, TV reporter and leader at azfamily 3TV CBS 5, 12News, ABC15 Arizona and KJZZ Phoenix,
- Bruce Cooper (KPNX TV 12),
- Floyd Simmons (Northland Basketball Project), and Kit Atwell (Western News & Info).
Standing (L-R): Lelis Craft, Wendy Helle, Maurie Helle, Mary Morrison - Seated: Dr. John Craft, Lynda Gallagher. Not Shown: Judy Schriener, Thomas Mihalchick
40th Annual Cronkite Award
On February 8, 2024, Members of the Board attended the 40th Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism to ABC News Anchor, David Muir. (no photo available)
10th Annual "Mike Chamberlin and the Living Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert"
HOBI offers our appreciation to everyone involved with this year's concert, the members of the HOBI Board of Directors, especially Board members Maurie Helle, who produced the show, Lynda Gallagher who coordinated the prizes for the raffle and silent auction, Polly Schumacher, who designed and created the program, handled ticket sasles and provided the refreshments, Sophia Wong and Susan Baker our greeters and ticket concierge, and Brian Cisek and our friends at KAZT Channel 7 - Cable 13, who continue to help promote the Holiday Concert in many ways.
We also wish a great many thanks to all of the wonderful performers who generously contributed their time and incredible talents to this year's concert. Last, but certainly not least, Thank You to all who attended for supporting our effort to raise funds for the scholarships available to students at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University, and the Karl Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. Special Thanks to: Rita Davenport, Dave Munsey, Mike Owens, Steve Glueck, the Melikian Family, and Bill Miller for their monetary donations to our schlarship fund. All are greatly appreciated.
See the entire concert below
Here are photos from the 2023 concert.
the prize table
KAZT Camera Operator
Sophia Wong and Susan Baker at the ticket desk
Emcees Jan D'Atri and Pat McMahon
Maurie and Wendy Helle
We had a full house and had to add seats
Jan D'Atri and Dr. Joyce Blair Buekers
Pat McMahon and Mr. Gross, winner of the door prize, a Ladmo Bag
Dave Munsey performs
Dave Munsey
David MIller and Jan D'Atri
Mary Jo West
Silent Night finale sung by all performers
KAZT Camera Operator
Dr. Joyce Blair Buekers entertained guests as they entered
Mike Chamberlin and the Dancing Christmas Tee
Alice Tatum sings "O Holy Night"
Buddy Owens
Dr Joyce Blair Buekers tells the audience about the Therapeutic Harp Foundation
Pat McMahon "on the phone" with his buddy Wallace
Laurie Fagen
Rita Davenport
Laurie Fagen and Mary Jo West sing a duet
Silent Night finale sung by all performers
ASU Student awarded HOBI scholarship
Congratulations to Caleb Campero, the 2023 recipient of a scholarship provided by the House of Broadcasting to deserving students of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. The scholarship is funded through proceeds from our annual Holiday Concert. See below for more info on our scholarship and this year's recipient.
Board Member Speaks Radio
On Saturday, March 16, 2023, Board member Thomas MIhalchick presented a slide show and talk on "The Golden Age of Radio" at the Sunnyslope Historical Museum, 737 East Hatcher Road, Phoenix. The presentation began at 10:00 a.m. HIs presentation included photos, audio, and video clips. Attendance and parking were free. The hour was well received. Characters from the past like Jack Benny were so enjoyed. Forty persons attended, 10-minute questions – many younger. The talk went so well that the Sunnyslope Museum gave Thomas his own personal brick.
Mihalchick at the HOBI display
U of A Student awarded HOBI Scholarship
Congratulations to Brandon Holmes, the 2023 recipient of the House of Broadcasting scholarship to deserving students at the Karl Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. The scholarship is funded through proceeds from our annual Holiday Concert. See below for more info on our scholarship and this year's recipient. Brandon Graduates in May, 2023.
HOBI Attends ASU Award Ceremony
On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Board members of the House of Broadcasting attended the awards luncheon for Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication where the Cronkite School awarded their Excellence in Broadcasting to CBS Morning Show Co-Host Gayle King. See our Board page for photos and more.
Pat McMahon talks Wallace & Ladmo
A standing room only audience heard Emmy winning, Phoenix broadcaster, and House of Broadcasting Board of Director's member, Pat McMahon, related his experiences as a cast member of the legendary Wallace & Ladmo Show at the Sunnyslope Historical Society, 737 East Hatcher Road, Phoenix, on January 21, 2023. After the presentation, McMahon was available to answer questions, pose for photos, autograph items, and hear audience members relate their stories about what the Wallace and Ladmo show meant to them.
HOBI board member, Dr. John Craft, is the recipient of the 2022 Governor's Award from the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences, NATAS. The Governor's Award is the highest award presented by the Academy. As the Governor's Award winner, Dr. Craft was presented with an Emmy. Craft is also a member of NATAS Gold Circle, in recognition of his fifty years in the television industry. Congratulations Dr. Craft!
Dr. Craft's acceptance speech
Dr. Craft with HOBI Board members, Polly Schumacher, Lynda Gallagher, Mary Morrison, Thomas MIhalchick
Former KNIX Program Director, Larry Daniels, was inducted into the Arizona Broadcasters Association (ABA) Hall of Fame at the ABA annual luncheon on September 28, 2022, at Talking Stick Resort.
Larry Daniel's daughter accepting his award
HOBI contributor and supporter Jim West has just released a copy of his book, "KNIX - The Buck Owens Years" in a hardcover version. It will also be available for Kindle. Both are available through Amazon.
2021 HOBI Christmas Concert
This year's concert was held on Friday December 3rd at the Central Methodist Church at Central and Palm in Phoenix. The concert featured "Mike Chamberlin and Friends" for entertainment, prizes for raffle winners, and a silent auction. The complete program and some photos from the concert can be seen below. Many thanks to Brian Cisek of AZTV, Channel 7!
HOBI scholarship to Walter Cronkite student
House of Broadcasting recently donated to the scholarship fund we created for students attending the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.
Arizona Gives Day 2021!
THANK YOU! HOBI's Arizona Gives Day, April 6th, was highly successful. We'd like to let you know that although the official Arizona Gives Day has passed, you can still contribute to Arizona charities, like HOBI, all year long through their website.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
7th Annual Holiday Concert (2020)
HOBI telecast the talented performance of the 7th ANNUAL HOLIDAY CONCERT ON Ch. 7, Cable 7, Dish/Direct 7 on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th at 10-11 PM. The program featured our host Mike Chamberlin with Friends Brad Perry, Alice Tatum, Pat McMahon, Mary Jo West, Al McCoy, Jan D’Atri, David Miller, Buddy Owens, Rita Davenport, and Don Woodward. HOBI Maurie Helle, Producer/Director working with Brian Cisek, Creative Director, AZTV, Ch. 7, produced the HOBI Holiday Concert.
If you missed the show, or if you would like to see the program again, you can view it in the window below.
After you click or tap on the window below, click or tap on the symbol just to the left of the word VIMEO at the bottom right of the window to view the video in full-screen mode.
Click here to download the entire program to your personal computer or device.
Video can’t be displayed
This video is not available.
6th Annual Holiday Concert (2019)
On Friday, December 6, 2019 The House of Broadcasting sponsored our Sixth Annual Holiday Concert, 'Featuring Mike Chamberlin and Friends'. The concert was held at the Central United Methodist Church in Phoenix. Channel 3's Jan d'Atri and Brad Perry co-hosted the event.The concert featured a Special Performance by renowned vocalist Alice Tatum. We were also treated to musical performances by Dick Moore, Buddy Owens, David Miller, Al McCoy, Scott Helle, Jan d'Atri, and our headliner, Mike Chamberlin.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.
Audience members were invited to participate in both a raffle and silent auction for wonderful prizes supplied by donors, including:
KTAR NewsAgnieszka SalonCasalino ChiropracticThe Shops on CamelbackPat McMahon and the Wallace & Ladmo FoundationHarkins TheatersPhoenix SunsAl McCoyThe Arizona CardinalsFry's Food StoreLeidian Mitchell SalonLin Sue Cooney
Sweet Stops Divine DessertsThe Arizona DiamondbacksThe Gladly RestaurantHouse Of BroadcastingKPNX-TV/Channel 12Trader Joe'sThe Phoenix ZooKPHO & KTVK Arizona's FamilyJim WestHubbard BroadcastingArizona Highways Magazine
On Friday, April 28 2019 Board members Maurie and Wendy Helle and Steve and Dorothy Glueck attended the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication Scholarship Awards at the Devil’s Oasis. Although HOBI scholarship recipient Lindsay Lohr could not attend because she was studying abroad, the Hugh Downs personnel had the opportunity to honor the HOBI members for providing an Endowment to the School.
On Friday, March 22, 2019 Board members John Craft, Lynda Gallagher, Steve Glueck and Mary Morrison attended the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication annual Scholarship Celebrate Brunch. Our recipient is senior and graduating Hayley Brand from Chattanaga, Tennessee. She prefers to do documentaries and work behind the camera. She already has a job.
Great News!
This year's "Living Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert" was held on Friday, December 9, 2022 – 7PM., at the Central Methodist United Church, 1875 North Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004. This was the House of Broadcasting's 9th Annual Holiday Concert. Special guests included: Mike Chamberlin, Alice Tatum, Jan D’Atri, Pat McMahon, Laurie Fagen,,Buddy Owens, David Miller, Dave Munsey, and Mary Jo West. Below is a selection of photos from the concert.
You can see a broadcast of the concert on Channels 7.1 and 7.5 as per the following schedule:
KAZT 7.1Sunday, December 25th at 5amKAZTPlus 7.5Friday, December 23rd at 8amSaturday, December 24th at 2pmSaturday, December 24th at 1amSunday, December 25th at midnight
Dr. John Craft Scholarship
Upon his retirement after 49 years of service at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Professor John E. Craft Scholarship for Electronic Media was announced. This scholarship will provide direct support to students who are interested in careers such as telling long form stories through a visual medium. With the ever-growing need for scholarship support across higher education, your gift to the Craft Scholarship will truly make an impact.
Please see the full link the Dr. Craft’s scholarship page here:
This QR code will take you directly to the scholarship page
HOBI board member, Dr. John Craft, is the recipient of the 2022 Governor's Award from the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences, NATAS. The Governor's Award is the highest award presented by the Academy. As the Governor's Award winner, Dr. Craft was presented with an Emmy. Craft is also a member of NATAS Gold Circle, in recognition of his fifty years in the television industry. Congratulations Dr. Craft!
Dr. Craft's acceptance speech
Dr. Craft with HOBI Board members, Polly Schumacher, Lynda Gallagher, Mary Morrison, Thomas MIhalchick
Former KNIX Program Director, Larry Daniels, was inducted into the Arizona Broadcasters Association (ABA) Hall of Fame at the ABA annual luncheon on September 28, 2022, at Talking Stick Resort.
Larry Daniel's daughter accepting his award
HOBI contributor and supporter Jim West has just released a copy of his book, "KNIX - The Buck Owens Years" in a hardcover version. It will also be available for Kindle. Both are available through Amazon.
CONGRATULATIONSHOBI congratulates Arizona State University student Alex Solomon. See our HOBI NEWS page to learn why.
KTAR RADIOCongratulations to Historic KTAR RADIO for reaching their 100th Year in Broadcasting. At one time KTAR was an AM Station. In 2006 Scott Sutherland, Vice President and Marketing Manager, switched KTAR-AM to 92.3 FM … a very successful move.
BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME, THE LEGEND – AL McCOYMuch congratulations to legendary broadcaster Al McCoy who has been the “Voice of the Phoenix Suns” for 50 years. Not only is he a Hall of Fame broadcaster … the Suns inducted him into the “Ring of Honor” in 2017. A special unsolicited surprise from Devin Booker – a personally autographed jersey with a special message. House of Broadcasting salutes Al McCoy.
House of Broadcasting Comes to Arizona Historical Society!
On Thursday, February 24, 2022 The Arizona Historical Society hosted a gala to open their ON AIR: BROADCASTING THE NEWS IN ARIZONA display. See our On Air page for a selection of photos from the event.
House of Broadcasting donated artifacts are featured in the exhibit at the Arizona Historical Society's (AZHS) Heritage Center, 1300 N College Avenue, Tempe, AZ. The exhibit features equipment, photos, and other artifacts that highlight the contribution Arizona broadcasters have made to broadcast news. The 1600 square foot exhibit is open to the public through July, 2023.
2021 HOBI Christmas Concert
This year's concert was held on Friday December 3rd at the Central Methodist Church at Central and Palm in Phoenix. The concert featured "Mike Chamberlin and Friends" for entertainment, prizes for raffle winners, and a silent auction. The complete program and some photos from the concert can be seen below. Many thanks to Brian Cisek of AZTV, Channel 7!
HOBI scholarship to Walter Cronkite student
House of Broadcasting recently donated to the scholarship fund we created for students attending the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.
Arizona Gives Day 2021!
THANK YOU! HOBI's Arizona Gives Day, April 6th, was highly successful. We'd like to let you know that although the official Arizona Gives Day has passed, you can still contribute to Arizona charities, like HOBI, all year long through their website.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
7th Annual Holiday Concert (2020)
HOBI telecast the talented performance of the 7th ANNUAL HOLIDAY CONCERT ON Ch. 7, Cable 7, Dish/Direct 7 on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th at 10-11 PM. The program featured our host Mike Chamberlin with Friends Brad Perry, Alice Tatum, Pat McMahon, Mary Jo West, Al McCoy, Jan D’Atri, David Miller, Buddy Owens, Rita Davenport, and Don Woodward. HOBI Maurie Helle, Producer/Director working with Brian Cisek, Creative Director, AZTV, Ch. 7, produced the HOBI Holiday Concert.
If you missed the show, or if you would like to see the program again, you can view it in the window below.
After you click or tap on the window below, click or tap on the symbol just to the left of the word VIMEO at the bottom right of the window to view the video in full-screen mode.
Click here to download the entire program to your personal computer or device.
Video can’t be displayed
This video is not available.
6th Annual Holiday Concert (2019)
On Friday, December 6, 2019 The House of Broadcasting sponsored our Sixth Annual Holiday Concert, 'Featuring Mike Chamberlin and Friends'. The concert was held at the Central United Methodist Church in Phoenix. Channel 3's Jan d'Atri and Brad Perry co-hosted the event.The concert featured a Special Performance by renowned vocalist Alice Tatum. We were also treated to musical performances by Dick Moore, Buddy Owens, David Miller, Al McCoy, Scott Helle, Jan d'Atri, and our headliner, Mike Chamberlin.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.
Audience members were invited to participate in both a raffle and silent auction for wonderful prizes supplied by donors, including:
KTAR NewsAgnieszka SalonCasalino ChiropracticThe Shops on CamelbackPat McMahon and the Wallace & Ladmo FoundationHarkins TheatersPhoenix SunsAl McCoyThe Arizona CardinalsFry's Food StoreLeidian Mitchell SalonLin Sue Cooney
Sweet Stops Divine DessertsThe Arizona DiamondbacksThe Gladly RestaurantHouse Of BroadcastingKPNX-TV/Channel 12Trader Joe'sThe Phoenix ZooKPHO & KTVK Arizona's FamilyJim WestHubbard BroadcastingArizona Highways Magazine
On Friday, April 28 2019 Board members Maurie and Wendy Helle and Steve and Dorothy Glueck attended the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication Scholarship Awards at the Devil’s Oasis. Although HOBI scholarship recipient Lindsay Lohr could not attend because she was studying abroad, the Hugh Downs personnel had the opportunity to honor the HOBI members for providing an Endowment to the School.
On Friday, March 22, 2019 Board members John Craft, Lynda Gallagher, Steve Glueck and Mary Morrison attended the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication annual Scholarship Celebrate Brunch. Our recipient is senior and graduating Hayley Brand from Chattanaga, Tennessee. She prefers to do documentaries and work behind the camera. She already has a job.
recent Events
Connect to photos and text highlighting recent HOBI events.
Great News!
This year's "Living Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert" was held on Friday, December 9, 2022 – 7PM., at the Central Methodist United Church, 1875 North Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004. This was the House of Broadcasting's 9th Annual Holiday Concert. Special guests included: Mike Chamberlin, Alice Tatum, Jan D’Atri, Pat McMahon, Laurie Fagen,,Buddy Owens, David Miller, Dave Munsey, and Mary Jo West. Below is a selection of photos from the concert.
You can see a broadcast of the concert on Channels 7.1 and 7.5 as per the following schedule:
KAZT 7.1Sunday, December 25th at 5amKAZTPlus 7.5Friday, December 23rd at 8amSaturday, December 24th at 2pmSaturday, December 24th at 1amSunday, December 25th at midnight
Dr. John Craft Scholarship
Upon his retirement after 49 years of service at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Professor John E. Craft Scholarship for Electronic Media was announced. This scholarship will provide direct support to students who are interested in careers such as telling long form stories through a visual medium. With the ever-growing need for scholarship support across higher education, your gift to the Craft Scholarship will truly make an impact.
Please see the full link the Dr. Craft’s scholarship page here:
This QR code will take you directly to the scholarship page
HOBI board member, Dr. John Craft, is the recipient of the 2022 Governor's Award from the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences, NATAS. The Governor's Award is the highest award presented by the Academy. As the Governor's Award winner, Dr. Craft was presented with an Emmy. Craft is also a member of NATAS Gold Circle, in recognition of his fifty years in the television industry. Congratulations Dr. Craft!
Dr. Craft's acceptance speech
Dr. Craft with HOBI Board members, Polly Schumacher, Lynda Gallagher, Mary Morrison, Thomas MIhalchick
Former KNIX Program Director, Larry Daniels, was inducted into the Arizona Broadcasters Association (ABA) Hall of Fame at the ABA annual luncheon on September 28, 2022, at Talking Stick Resort.
Larry Daniel's daughter accepting his award
HOBI contributor and supporter Jim West has just released a copy of his book, "KNIX - The Buck Owens Years" in a hardcover version. It will also be available for Kindle. Both are available through Amazon.
CONGRATULATIONSHOBI congratulates Arizona State University student Alex Solomon. See our HOBI NEWS page to learn why.
KTAR RADIOCongratulations to Historic KTAR RADIO for reaching their 100th Year in Broadcasting. At one time KTAR was an AM Station. In 2006 Scott Sutherland, Vice President and Marketing Manager, switched KTAR-AM to 92.3 FM … a very successful move.
BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME, THE LEGEND – AL McCOYMuch congratulations to legendary broadcaster Al McCoy who has been the “Voice of the Phoenix Suns” for 50 years. Not only is he a Hall of Fame broadcaster … the Suns inducted him into the “Ring of Honor” in 2017. A special unsolicited surprise from Devin Booker – a personally autographed jersey with a special message. House of Broadcasting salutes Al McCoy.
House of Broadcasting Comes to Arizona Historical Society!
On Thursday, February 24, 2022 The Arizona Historical Society hosted a gala to open their ON AIR: BROADCASTING THE NEWS IN ARIZONA display. See our On Air page for a selection of photos from the event.
House of Broadcasting donated artifacts are featured in the exhibit at the Arizona Historical Society's (AZHS) Heritage Center, 1300 N College Avenue, Tempe, AZ. The exhibit features equipment, photos, and other artifacts that highlight the contribution Arizona broadcasters have made to broadcast news. The 1600 square foot exhibit is open to the public through July, 2023.
2021 HOBI Christmas Concert
This year's concert was held on Friday December 3rd at the Central Methodist Church at Central and Palm in Phoenix. The concert featured "Mike Chamberlin and Friends" for entertainment, prizes for raffle winners, and a silent auction. The complete program and some photos from the concert can be seen below. Many thanks to Brian Cisek of AZTV, Channel 7!
HOBI scholarship to Walter Cronkite student
House of Broadcasting recently donated to the scholarship fund we created for students attending the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.
Arizona Gives Day 2021!
THANK YOU! HOBI's Arizona Gives Day, April 6th, was highly successful. We'd like to let you know that although the official Arizona Gives Day has passed, you can still contribute to Arizona charities, like HOBI, all year long through their website.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
According to, "Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all." Click or tap on the button below to learn more.
7th Annual Holiday Concert (2020)
HOBI telecast the talented performance of the 7th ANNUAL HOLIDAY CONCERT ON Ch. 7, Cable 7, Dish/Direct 7 on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th at 10-11 PM. The program featured our host Mike Chamberlin with Friends Brad Perry, Alice Tatum, Pat McMahon, Mary Jo West, Al McCoy, Jan D’Atri, David Miller, Buddy Owens, Rita Davenport, and Don Woodward. HOBI Maurie Helle, Producer/Director working with Brian Cisek, Creative Director, AZTV, Ch. 7, produced the HOBI Holiday Concert.
If you missed the show, or if you would like to see the program again, you can view it in the window below.
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6th Annual Holiday Concert (2019)
On Friday, December 6, 2019 The House of Broadcasting sponsored our Sixth Annual Holiday Concert, 'Featuring Mike Chamberlin and Friends'. The concert was held at the Central United Methodist Church in Phoenix. Channel 3's Jan d'Atri and Brad Perry co-hosted the event.The concert featured a Special Performance by renowned vocalist Alice Tatum. We were also treated to musical performances by Dick Moore, Buddy Owens, David Miller, Al McCoy, Scott Helle, Jan d'Atri, and our headliner, Mike Chamberlin.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.
Dave Munsey recited 'Bob-Humbug', a Christmas poem. Pat and Duffy McMahon offered a short piece entitled 'Trouble At The Claus' House'. Rita Davenport performed 'Christmas Fun'. We finished the evening with a Silent Night sing-along with all of the night's performers and co-hosts on stage.
It was a very successful night. We had to add extra rows of seats to accommodate everyone. HOBI awards scholarships annually to students at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the ASU Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. The concert was the annual fundraiser for the House of Broadcasting to fund those scholarships.
Take a look at some pictures from the evening and make plans to be at next year's seventh Annual Holiday Concert.