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Welcome to the House of Broadcasting Inc. (HOBI), Arizona's Radio & Television Museum Website! The House of Broadcasting Inc.(HOBI) radio and television museum is Arizona's largest private collection of broadcast memorabilia. HOBI is a member of the Central Arizona Museum Association.
Please visit our calendar on the HOBI News page for information on upcoming events.
2024 Holiday Concert
The 2024 Concert will be held in our new home – the North Phoenix Baptist Church. It’s the same wonderful “Mike Chamberlin and the Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert” but with a new location, although still on Central Avenue. The church is located on the southeast corner of Central Avenue and Bethany Home Road. This year’s ticket price is $20. The concert is scheduled for Friday, December 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. We’ll soon include location and parking maps, as well as how-to get tickets, on this website.
HOBI recently received a thank you letter from Dr. Battino L. Batts, JR., Dean and Professor at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He wrote: “Thank you for your support of Cronkite students through the House of Broadcasting Television and Radio Museum Scholarship. Your commitment to empower future journalists, professional communicators and media leaders makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our students today and will continue to leave an impact on their educational and professional journey for years to come. We truly appreciate your generosity. “
We also received thank you letters from the latest recipients, two young women, Kiera and Leilani. Kiera is pursuing her degree in Communication Media.
Kiera wrote:
“I am deeply grateful to express my heartfelt thanks for being selected as the recipient of the House of Broadcasting, Inc. Endowment Scholarship. Your generous support has not only lightened my financial burden but has also provided me with the reassurance and motivation I need to pursue my passion for communication media.”
Leilani is majoring in Sports Broadcasting and will be a sophomore next school year.
Leilani wrote: “This scholarship helps pay toward student loans and I can now afford to buy some camera equipment. Again, thank you so much for granting me this scholarship. It truly means the world to me!”
HOBI is excited to report that we will present a display titled “Radio Stations That Changed the Valley” at the Chandler Museum from September 2025, through February 2026. Board Members Susan Baker, Dr. John Craft, and Thomas Mihalchick have been working with museum staff under the direction of HOBI President, Mary Morrison, to secure a topic and dates for the display. More details will follow.
2024 Cronkite Scholarship Celebration Lunch
On Friday, April 19, 2024, HOBI Board memnbers Lynda Gallgher, Dr. John Craft, Thomas MIhalchick, and Mary Morrison attended the 2024 Cfonkite Scholarship Celebration Award Brunch at the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication on downtoen Phoenix.
Dr. John Craft presents ....
On Tuesday, April 2nd, Dr. John Craft, HOBI Board member, spoke at the HD South Museum in Gilbert, Craft spoke about the history of newspapers, both on a national basis and locally.
Dr, Craft related that his father had a long career as a typesetter for the local newspaper in Ohio. He spoke about his lifelong love of newspapers as a source of information, touched on the future of newspapers as we know them, and took questions from the audience.
Dr. Craft was asked to present on behalf of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. He recently retired from the faculty of Cronkite. Dr, Craft spent more than 50 years teaching journalism and broadcasting, In 2022 he was awarded the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences Presidential Award, earning him an Emmy.
10th Annual "Mike Chamberlin and the Living Legends of Broadcasting Holiday Concert" - 2023
- Click or tap HERE to see photos and the entire concert
Arizona Gives Day 2024
A big THANK YOU to the donors who supported HOBI through Arizona Gives Day 2024.
Arizona Gives Day 2024 was April 2nd, but you can still donate to the House of Broadcasting throughout the rest of the year. Your contribution makes it possible for HOBI to present scholarships to deserving students at ASU's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Hugh Downs School of Human Communications, and U of A's Karl Eller School of Management. Click or tap on DONATE to make your donation.
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